blog rilis 9 April 2015


Lagu Inspirasi Anti-Bullying

Bars and Melody - Hopeful - YouTube

Ajang pencarian bakat merupakan hal yang sering menyedot semua lapisan masyarakat, terutama calon peserta, public figure, dan juga penikmat musik seperti masyarakat biasa. Tapi ada salah satu penampilan yang menyedot perhatiaan Saya, yaitu penampilan dari "Bars and Melody - Hopeful". Penampilan tersebut dilaksanakan pada salah satu acara pencarian bakat Britanian's Got Talent di sebuah stasiun televisi luar negeri, dan bisa dilihat di youtube. Penampilan mereka memang sangatlah menarik perhatian, karena lagu yang mereka bawakan merupakan lagu yang bercerita tentang Anti Bullying

Seperti yang kita ketahui. Bully merupakan tindakan atau perlakuan keras, kejam, menyudutkan, pada kelompok atau orang tertentu secara terus menerus atau berulang - ulang. Tentu saja hal ini tidak sesuai dengan prilaku dan norma yang baik yang seharusnya ditanamkan dan berlaku didalam diri kita maupun di lingkungan sekitar kita. 

Pada kesempatan ini, saya mau berbagi video dan lirik lagu tersebut pada Sobat sekalian.

Hopeful Official Video

Hopeful Lyrics by Bars and Melody

oh... oh... oh....
check it out
oh no...
here we go

Please help me God, I feel so alone
I'm just a kid, how can I take it on my own
I've cried too many tears, yeah... writing this song
Trying to fit in, where do I belong?
I wake up everyday, don't want to leave my home
My momma's asking me why I'm always alone?
Too scared to say, too scared to holler
I'm walking to school, with sweat around my collar
I'm just a kid, I  don't want no stress 
My nerves are bad, my life's a mess
The name's you call me, They hurt real bad
I want to tell My Mom
She's having trouble with my Dad
I feel so trapped there's nowhere to turn
Just going to school
Don't wanna fight I wanna learn
So please Mister Bully
Tell me what I've done
You know I have no Dad
I'm living with My Mom

Just be hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make away
I know it ain't easy, but taht's okay
Just be hopeful

Why do you trip every single day?
I didn't ask to be born but now, I have to pay
I ain't got no money, You take all I have
When I give it to you, I search through My bags
I feel so scared when you shot me down
You kick me, punch me, throw me to the ground
when I ask you, yo what have I done?
You hit me again, and make fun of My Mom

I am hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make away
I know it ain't easy, but taht's okay
Just be hopeful

What I wear is all I have
We lost our home, I'm living from a bag
Yo mister bully, help me please
I'm flesh and blood, accept me please
Hey mister bully, I don't know what to do
My mind, it can't explain what I did to you
Mister bully, take in all my please
Every single day you bring me to my knees

I am hopeful, yes I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make away
I know it ain't easy, but taht's okay
Just be hopeful

Bars & Melody - Simon Cowell's Golden Buzzer act | Britain's Got Talent 2014

1 Komentar untuk "Lagu Inspirasi Anti-Bullying"

Bạn có thể đến trực tiếp tại Kim Hospital để được hỗ trợ thăm khám hoặc tư vấn miễn phí về các dịch vụ thẩm mỹ mắt đẹp bam mi vinh vien o dau...Bạn sẽ có một số kiến thức thẩm mỹ nhất định cùng một sự trải nghiệm tuyệt vời!

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